Wireframe S5E6: Expressing pride and voice in a design evolution

Deja Foxx and Carly Ayres help Avie Daisy Designs with a complete rebrand

"Wireframe' Podcast cover. Adobe logo and the words "Wireframe" is placed on the left, with a headshot of a woman on the right.

Wireframe reveals the stories behind user experience design and how it helps technology fit into our lives. It’s a unique, highly produced podcast for UX/UI designers, graphic designers, and the design-curious. Hosted by Khoi Vinh, one of Fast Company’s 100 Most Creative People in Business. Choose your favorite podcast player to subscribe to Wireframe.

Designing a rebrand can feel overwhelming and complicated, and if you get it wrong, your business takes a hit. This is exactly the challenge facing Mickaela Allison-Aliifua. She launched Avie Daisy Designs in 2020 as a hobby. Her custom beaded pet collars are inspired by traditional beadwork from her Navajo heritage. But as business picks up steam, she wants to grow bigger and bolder, and she feels like the Avie Daisy brand doesn’t quite capture her vision. She wants to rename, redesign, and relaunch, but worries her customers won’t follow. How can design help her execute this rebrand without starting from scratch?

A quote that reads "When people see really clean designs or really put together branding or a seamless site, it signals to them something about professionalism like...she's all in.: - Deja Foxx. A headshot of a woman is placed on the right.

Mickaela Allison-Aliifua has big plans to grow her brand beyond her pet collar hobby. Check out her work on Facebook and Instagram, and watch how she evolves her design and product line from Avie Daisy to Keiki’s Collection.

We pair Mickaela with Deja Foxx, a fierce and inspiring online activist, strategist, and influencer. Deja talks about her own rebranding efforts for GenZ Girl Gang, an online community of young women. Deja talks about the value of engaging customers in Mickaela’s rebranding work, and encourages her to be fearless in expressing her heritage, her pride, and her voice in rebranding Avie Daisy. Follow Deja on Instagram and TikTok.

Then designer and creative director Carly Ayres guides Mickaela through a core values exercise to help her find design inspiration for her rebrand. Carly draws from her experience supporting the redesign of Google’s logo. Find Carly on Instagram and Twitter.

This season of Wireframe is supported by Adobe Express—a new web and mobile app that helps anyone create great content from thousands of templates. Learn more about Adobe Express at adobe.ly/wireframeexpress. (Most of the guests appearing in this season are part of Adobe’s CoCreate program.)

Listen and subscribe to the show, and click here to read a full transcript of this episode.

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